Saturday, April 26, 2014

Enduring Christians

I don't know why my Christmas memories have always overshadowed my Easter memories. It makes me wonder what is greater – Jesus' birth or His ascension? It's a question as complex as the debate of what came first between the chicken and the egg. 

As I rummage through my Easter memories, I see chilling drama after chilling drama; blood and gore as Jesus gets crucified. I hear His scream as a Roman soldier with gigantic arms drives a 10-inch nail into Jesus' feet…
When I was a child I envied the priests' vestments
Growing up,  the reenactment of the death, burial and ascension of Jesus was always brought to life by the church’s drama team comprising men and women of the village that were known to me. Their mastery improvisations, creative props and fine acting always brought out the suffering, enduring and eventual victory of Jesus so realistically that it always made me hate on and curse the Pharisees who had nailed Jesus.

Then I would repent and forgive, even love them shortly after the Easter play when the benevolent Fr. Wence would stand behind the magnificent pulpit and deliver the Easter Mass in his sing-song voice. He would preach peace, love, forgiveness and reconciliation with such passion as would move some women to tears. I revered and envied him in his golden vestments and flamboyant  birretta especially when he lifted his hands to the heavens to give benediction to the eager congregants.  

This Easter finds me in Bushenyi, enjoying with my parents,  and rehashing the memories.  I hope it stirs new optimism in you; to know that no trial is great than what Jesus suffered. Every condition however challenging has an expiry date. We just have to endure like Jesus endured on the cross and the power of resurrection that brought him from the grave will give us victory too, and make us enduring champions. 

Happy Easter.

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