Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Martyr's Legacy Matters

Today is the celebration of the Uganda Martyrs' Day, and a perfect opportunity for me to write about true legacy. These men of courage that are celebrated the world over especially by the Catholic establishment had nothing that modernists love to covet. No education from "cool" universities, no mansions and city-centre towers to bequeath their next of kin, no stashes of money in Swiss banks, no posh cars, no acres upon acres of verdant land -they had absolutely no pedigree for which most people today claim bragging rights.

Believers like these missionary brothers are inspired by the Uganda Martyrs
Yet these men were men of soul and of pursuit. In their simplicity and honesty they went on an inner quest that was to change their lives for ever. They discovered that what matters most in life has everything to do with spirituality. I can almost hear them fervently repeating the words of Jesus, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but forfeit his soul?"

It's not in itself bad to gain the whole world but how you gain all that power, fame and riches beyond quantification is the question. Anyway, to the men that became the Uganda Martyrs, the day they discovered that they entered this world naked and would take nothing from it was a transformational  discovery that became the foundation of their faith and resolve.

Not even getting hurled into a fiery furnace or having their heads chopped off with a crude machete would make them equivocate or change their stance that serving and living for God was the most essential thing.
They willingly died for their convictions, thereby etching themselves in the hearts of men and women; generations after generations would be inspired by that extraordinary courage and vision--a true legacy personified by the multitudes that flock Namugungo every June 3; a legacy  that will never be wiped away.

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