Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The sorrows and joys of love

A young man once met a young woman whose blossoming beauty softened his rustic face and made him sigh.

"That beauty of yours ought to be entered in the Guinness Book of World Records," said the young man to the young woman. For his complement, the young man was rewarded with a red hot slap in the face.
After recovering, the young man said, "Forgive me young lady but if it's a sin to appreciate your beauty, it must be an even more grievous sin to fall in love with you" and walked away, shaking his head. 
.... love finds you like that and determines to stay...

After waking up that morning, the young man had written down things he was going to do that day, and falling in love had not been one of them. Until he met the young at the conference standing there looking like the most beautifully wrapped gift he had ever seen, the young man had never believed in love at first sight.

Now as he walked home with the face of the young woman stuck on his mind like a tattoo, he thought: Love is a coincidence; love hits you when you least expect it; love is a marvel. It found him just like that and determined to stay. 

 A couple of years down the road, the young woman continued to spurn the young man. But deep inside he knew she knew they could flow but she was afraid to take the plunge of faith. She had lived a good life in the city and the young man had lived a rugged peasant's life in the village. 

It was disillusioning that he could not get someone that meant a whole lot to him. The sorrows of that filled many bottles but after many years the young man wiped his tears and married another young woman that loved and respected and helped him live his grand dream.

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