Monday, December 19, 2016


If you're reading this it means that you're alive because corpses don't read unless you're a ghost, which I think you're not! So you're alive, and that's quite something. It's something special to have the breath of life. You may even be going through a dry spell financially, and wondering how you will go through Christmas like that. Nevertheless you're alive, and that's something to be very, very grateful for.

There's always something to be happy and thankful for
To be alive means you still have work to do on earth. The challenges that confront us from every side will pass away like nighttime passes away for daytime. It really is true that no situation is permanent and no one is going through such a hard time that he cannot find something to be grateful for.

Many people are currently going through trying times. I watched a woman on TV whose husband was one of the victims of the Kasese killings, leaving her five little children. My heart went out to her and I prayed: "God, the Bible says You're the father to the fatherless and husband to the widows; please help that woman; give her the favour, the wisdom and the strength to raise those children to grow into men and women this country will one day be proud of." Then I felt that despite the enormity of her grief, she's still alive for her children. There are many children without any parents but somehow they get by difficulties notwithstanding. 

As an optimist I've learnt to find something to be grateful for no matter the challenges. Daily thankfulness is the fuel that keeps my engine going during tough times. So I'm writing this to encourage others that there's still hope. Use this last month in the year to forget the hurts of the past and the frustrations of today. Forgive the 'unforgivable' and crown the year like a free soul; free from baggage, and alive with a heart pulsating with the endless promises that are waiting to be embraced in the new year.

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