Sunday, May 5, 2013

Light reigns over darkness

The party coincided with the end of semester two exams and Vero, 20, decided to celebrate her end of freshman year with oomph. So when she was handed a glass of wine, her smile made one of the young men recognise her nubile beauty. After the third glass, Vero flew to the dance floor and enjoyed herself like Madame Loisel at the ball in Guy de Maupassant's The Necklace.

That life growing on the inside of you could be a future president
"She danced ecstatically, wildly, intoxicated with pleasure, giving no thought to anything else, swept along on her victorious beauty and glorious success, and floating on a cloud of happiness composed of homage, admiration, and desire she evoked and the kind of complete and utter triumph which is so sweet to a woman's heart."

The young man watched and sighed and planned. Soon Vero was in his arms; lost in his caresses and whisperings. By the time he drove her back to her hostel in the wee hours of the morning, she was not the same girl. Her innocence was gone but the radiance on her face said she didn't care. She had no clue the one-night had left her with a pregnancy that would alter the course of her life probably forever.

It is three months after the party and Vero finds herself between a rock and a hard place. The young man refuses the responsibility and is engaged to another woman whom he loves to death. The thought of the shame and betrayal that will confront Vero's parents when they learn of the plight of their daughter is something Vero dreads most.

Her eyes well up with tears every time she weighs her options. Keeping the pregnancy would mean quitting her course at the university and struggling to raise the child on her own. She has also contemplated abortion but it makes her cringe because she is a radical catholic who believes abortion is heartless murder.

Vero is basically alone and very frightened. This is where the optimist comes in to say stay strong. It's true the silver lining is there at the end of the dark tunnel. Vero, you have to conquer your shame and fear and tell your mother. Terminating your pregnancy is absolutely out of the question because life begins at conception and that life growing on the inside of you could be the future president of this country. I will be praying for you.

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