Monday, January 20, 2014

Five vital success tips

Be a hustler like this pineapple farmer
  1. Don't seek promotion. Just keep doing your thing; always going the extra mile. Consistency of excellence with patience will unlock the door of elevation and the perks that come with it. Last year I interviewed a prominent entrepreneur and educationist named Mary Mulumba. She told me: "When you focus on doing a perfect job; on offering quality work, money will also focus on seeking you!"
  2. Refuse to be offended by criticism and be quick to learn when it is constructive. Even a human who does nothing, sees nothing and says nothing is criticised because criticism and opposition are part of life, and should spur you to prove your critics wrong. King Solomon said, a fool gets offended easily but a wise man ignores insults.
  3.  Relatedly, learn to pick your fights wisely. Some people are worth fighting while others are not. When Moses Golola took to the ring late last year, he knew he had a point to prove. The 'hard rock' had bought a coffin and managed to convince the masses that he was going to bury Golola live in it. The 'no-joking subject' was not going to be a doormat. In a record three seconds, the 'hard-rock' was eating dust, saying it was "ana-fair" and begging for a rematch. Those three seconds proved who the boy was and who the man was in Ugandan kick-boxing. In the end the 'Hot Temper' turned down the request for a rematch because the boy and the man are miles apart. He didn't want to oblige to what would result in the death of the boy, ha-ha.
  4. Be careful about prejudices. Prejudices have prevented some people from pursuing their callings, they have prevented some men from marrying some special women, and worst of all prejudices have remained a thorn in the side of progress.  To do something special in this year, we must defy those debilitating and stultifying things. Just because Dennis is a randy man (I am not) does not make all men "dogs." First bury your insecurities if you want to play in the big league.
  5. Remember nothing takes the place of action. This is how the bulb inventor, Thomas Edison put it, "Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine prevent perspiration." Bread bought out of your true sweat is so sweeter than bread begged for. Be a hustler, man, do not sit back waiting for manna to fall from heaven. Be an action man now because if you wait for perfect conditions you will neither sow nor reap.  

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