Monday, June 2, 2014

Something to die for

Martin Luther King, Jr., once said that a man who has not found something worth dying for is not fit to live. His sobering words remind me of the Uganda martyrs who we commemorate every June 3. I wonder if in similar circumstances I would find the courage with which those men refused to recant in the face of danger.

Soldiers are ever ready and willing to die for their country
Yet when we cower at every terror society gets rotten to the core. Imagine the wretched pit this country would have plunged into if the brave had not picked guns to end Idi Amin's reign of terror. That is why Nelson Mandela will always be exceedingly admired. A man who spent 27 years in prison for the right thing; a man who was prepared to die for the "ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities."

But in this country people are saying it is impossible to get a job or win a tender without bribing. But just because everyone does it does not make it right. Be the one to defy the status quo even if it means dying of hunger through joblessness! Cling to your principles and refuse to sleep with the boss for a promotion. That is what it means to die for what you believe in.

Once a courageous woman abandoned the safety of a convent for the unpredictable streets of Calcutta, rolled her sleeves and began loving the unloved children. Mother Teresa had found something worth dying for, and she made a difference that will never be erased. Do you love your children enough to lay down your life for them?

Well, Martin Luther King, Jr., did and was assassinated in the cause of ensuring that black children would one day be judged by the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin. His dream has largely come true. As we remember the Uganda martyrs tomorrow, may we be spurred to find something worth dying for.

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