Sunday, November 11, 2012

On beauty that lasts

Suddenly, I catch this smiling looker doing her thing on TV, and I'm like, "wait a minute, isn't this the veritable knockout that used to disorganise our hormones back in the day?" You know how circumstances can swing people in opposite directions sometimes never to meet again even in the next world!

Reminds me of Junior and Kasigwa – where are you guys? We were inseparable in kindergarten but ever since my father was transferred from Kabale to Rukungiri, I never saw them again. The certified optimist I am yet sometimes I can't help feeling I might never see them again.
A woman with a ring on her finger should remain a no-go area however much she affects your emotions
But back to the television girl, the phone rings. It's my OB asking if I have seen the girl on TV, and if I can hook them up seeing I'm in the media as well. I call up a few people and gather that she is now married with two children. I tell my friend, but he insists he wants her. What is wrong with some men? Sure she is more beautiful than ever; complete with the killer smile and the super-model figure, but a woman with a ring on her finger remains a no-go area however much she affects your emotions. I cannot even ask you to wait like the protagonist of Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera; waiting for her husband to die so you can pounce. You might wait eternally. Moreover the woman might go first.

See, this assumption that nothing kills chemistry between a man and woman that truly loved is all baseless. I speak reality. A love fired up by outside looks will die instantly if the hand of fate messes up that beauty. For that I advise my friend to be patient. This world is full of beautiful, untapped things. With a little patience, he will meet the woman whose outside looks may not trigger lust in the hearts of men, but whose inner beauty you will live to cherish.

Inner beauty is lasting beauty that oozes from the inside out. You can read it in the woman's eyes, in the way she smiles and even the way she carries herself. And it keeps growing and glowing the more you get to know her. This is the kind of sunshine beauty that warms up the path of the lucky man. So my friend, forget the taken woman; take a chill pill and let providence provide the one that will complete you.

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