Tuesday, April 7, 2015


The point of self-discovery is the greatest point in the life of every person. Because it’s the point at which scales fall from the eyes and one can see clearly enough, and shift their focus from personal ambitions, to issues that benefit the larger society.

The task then is lead others to know the truth
Self-discovery is however a point many people never arrive at even when they are successful financially. It explains why one can have a lot of property, a great career and fame yet remain unfulfilled. True self-discovery is what leads to satisfaction in life.

And it starts when a person realizes that they have value regardless of their looks, social, economic or academic backgrounds. It’s the discovery of inner value that leads even the uneducated to make great contributions to their world and lead inspirational lives while some professors and gifted people throw their lives away in liquor bottles.

The great task then is for those who know the truth to lead others on the path of self-discovery. Then they will no longer grope about in the dark of poor esteem which is the greatest obstacle to any form of progress.
They will discover each one of us is an influencer. And according to sociologists, even the most introverted individual will influence at least 10,000 other people in his lifetime.

It’s staggering when you think about it. It means that whoever you are, somebody looks up to you; somebody is watching you - the things you say or do, even the way you dress, all converge to influence somebody positively or negatively.

And just as you influence others, you are being influenced too by the people you interact with, by the places in which you hang out, by the the movies you watch and the books you read. In this one has to make wise choices to not to be influenced unwisely and not to become a wrong influence. This is what self-discovery is all about.

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