Wednesday, May 16, 2012

To the baring women of Uganda

Dear daring baring women of Uganda. The quickness with which you are stripping is bothering me. What happened to our long-cherished value system of covering-up?

The women that threw their boobs into the faces of policemen
First it was in Amaru district where you bared your privates in protest of certain chunk of land being given away to an investor. Other women picked the cue and threw their boobs into the faces of Kayihura's uniformed men to display their fury over the way these men mishandled Ingrid Turiname.

And I'm thinking that no matter how dreadfully provoked you've been, it's scandalous to strip before your children and heaven in the public arena. When the Adam and Eve discovered their nudity after messing up, they hurried to string some fig leaves together and cover up. That was not even enough to erase the shame, prompting God to make more covers for them out of animal skins.

Dear mothers and sisters, do you want us cursed the way Ham of the Bible was when he watched his father's nakedness? Where can we find asylum of this exposé of your breasts. What precedence are you setting to the innocent little girls out there by subjecting them to your breasts?

Now I'm even afraid of going online because the Internet is flooded with pictures of your bare breasts and coarse jokes are doing the rounds. What happened to self-respect and restraint? When did two wrongs ever make something right?

The modern-day girl has remained a rude curiosity and a butt of lewd coinages because of her indecent dressing. In fact, a recent Facebook photo shows some young Ugandan women in bras and g-strings at a cocktail party, their eyes hidden behind big-rimmed shades. And if you the supposed mothers of the nation behave like these lost girls, Lord have mercy.

No disrespect but there's need for you to visit the confession box and repent with broken hearts because the stain left by your strip show will take long to be washed away. We need decency and sanity back. There are surely better ways of hammering the point home and flaunting your nudity for all and sundry is not one of them.

I say again, however dreadfully provoked, we must not lose control as to descend to the level of the provocateur. With a better approach coupled with the ammunition of prayer, the hoodlums that are disgracing our police uniform will eventually be brought to justice and redemption shall reign again. For God and my Country.

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