Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why I signed the true-love-waits card

The subject of sex has never ceased to rouse interest. And the question of abstinence ignites some of the most passionate responses. In this day of pornographic literature flooding the streets and the internet; of vibrant night clubs without strident restrictions; of parents busy chasing the quick buck than raising their children, and church leaders focusing on the prosperity gospel than inspiring us to live blameless lives; many believe it's impossible to refrain from fornication.

Nevertheless some are leading sexually pure lives. At a recent abstinence campaign, I watched hundreds of youths signing true-love-waits cards. The card reads: "Believing that true love waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my country, my friends, my future mate, and my future children to be sexually pure until the day I give myself only to my marriage partner in a covenant marriage relationship."

No doubt some will stumble but being the optimist, I choose to focus on those that will keep the promise and live up to the challenge of taking purity into consecrated marriage that gives them the license to enjoy unrestrained sex with their spouses. I too signed the true-love-waits card after a girl known to me got pregnant. Faced with rejection from her boyfriend, she quit university to suffer alone. And she was the stronger type because she chose to keep her baby where others sometimes lose their lives in the process of abortion.

And I'm saying from experience that with sex-refusal skills, it's more than possible to live without the bother of sexual urges. In fact, it's such a beauty to discover the power of self-discipline and restraint, and so liberating to be the captain of your life and lead a sober life away from wrong influences and risky behaviour like premarital sex, drug abuse, gambling and alcoholism.

The condom has been tested and found wanting. Now circumcision is being associated with reduced chances of getting infected with HIV/Aids. But the real deal that even has the endorsement of heaven is abstinence for the unmarried, and faithfulness for the married. It's on the basis of these that Uganda was once a success story against HIV/Aids.
Anyway, when you do see me bumping along the streets of Kampala donning a T-shirt with an inscription, 'It's Cool to Abstain', know it is, and join me in leading responsible lives for the good of us and the world.

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