Monday, January 14, 2013

The lessons and the new melody

I remember it so well. The hour striking midnight and the fireworks
cracking through the Kampala sky seismically! It was special because
it was Sunday - a good sign that got me prophesying that 2012 would be
a year to "increase, bloom and make a difference."

The next thing I knew I was strapped into a rickety rocking
chair that was turning haltingly in circles I would rather forget. I
didn't buy my first car and didn't take my company to the level I had
hoped I would.  But it was not entirely hopeless. I bettered my work
ethic and made a difference that makes me want to gloat.

So let me speak with 'authority' about the things I know, the
things I learned. Let me share that in spite of the mistakes and
frustrations, and even the rip- off, there's always some sweet fruit
to reap, something always prevails from our travails.

You have heard it said that it takes vision and a good plan and
self-belief to make it. Even then I've learned that one can still
fail. The beauty of it however is that being down does not mean being
out. You cannot let a couple of failures distract you and obstruct the
fulfilment of your dream. It's time to change approach and rearrange
that masterplan.  It's time to renew our convictions to succeed.

To paraphrase actor Courtney B. Vance in the movie "The
Preacher's Wife", now is the time to judge not our past but our
future, not our failures but our dreams, not our imperfections but our
possibilities. Remember your columnist is not just an encourager but a
true friend that has his right arm wrapped around your shoulder
because I believe in the real you that was created to shine. I believe
we can change our prevailing circumtances and together redeem the
destiny of our country.

So let's rise and step forward into 2013 in love and with a new
approach. One that is action-oriented and bursting with optimism. And
if the going gets tough, we shall remind ourselves that we are tough
too but also reach for help because we are here to lift one another

For now though, let's tear down the dancefloor with boogying. If
you have no achievements to celebrate, at least celebrate the fact
that you still have that precious breath and can start anew in 2013.
Happy New Year, and may your important dreams come true.

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