Monday, January 12, 2015

Sowing and reaping

Whenever I travel upcountry I return with a sackful of avocados that my dad and I planted when I was still a small boy. It still fascinates me that the five avocado seeds we buried in our compound years ago sprouted with vigour and continue to produce many fruits every season, nourishing our big family.

In hot weather those avocado trees also provide a refreshing shade, and block devastating winds from unroofing our house in stormy times. This example affirms that sowing even a single seed unlocks what economists call "the multiplication law."

Therefore, to thrive this year we must strive to understand and apply the principle of sowing and reaping. In short, whatever you do or not do bears good or bad fruits, meaning that if you want to see the fulfillment of your New Year resolutions, you must sow wisely and diligently.

Those who sow wisely benefit liberally from the multiplication principle while those who sow unwisely or don’t sow at all are affected negatively by it. For example, if we had not watered the avocado trees as they grew up, and applied manure, they would have died in infancy or grown up malnourished without the ability to produce bountifully as they do yearly. Now, count how much money people spend on fruits because they have not planted fruit trees in their compounds!

If last year's harvest was bad, forget what is behind and utilise this new year by finding the best use of your time, energy and resources. Consider the ants that toil day and night in summer collecting food for winter. If mere ants can be this wise and industrious, what excuse do we have for being broke?

Success is possible but it’s not achieved accidentally. Prepare. Refocus your attention. Rearrange your priorities. Thorough preparedness always unveils a seed to sow. Tender it lovingly and you will be amazed by how it will unlock its multiplication capacity.

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