Monday, January 19, 2015

The first law of words

The other day I called an OB of mine I've not seen for a while. "How are you doing man," I greeted enthusiastically, "how is your New Year going so far?"

I heard him sigh at the other end, and then his voice cracked through the silence lifelessly, "Man, poverty is killing me!"

Of course poverty is not killing my friend! He has a good job, a beautiful, jolly, loyal, down-to-earth wife who is the mother of his two lovely children. Plus he lives in his own house though it's not fully complete yet. What my friend said is a common response from most guys to mean that they are a little cash strapped. But having no money in your pockets does not mean you are impoverished and dying.

The first law of words dictates that you should not use negative words even jokingly because when you say something, you give it life to work for or against you. If you want to know how true this is, try making friends by criticizing and putting them down. You are guaranteed to make enemies instead. But try being nice; encourage people, help them, complement them, tell good jokes, be polite even when you are firm and you will make more friends than you can count!

That's why even in times of gloom I choose to bloom with optimism; believing that things can only get better. That's why my favorite psalm is Psalm 23. That even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil. My cup is full and overflowing; although some tough situations in life can temporary stop the flow, one has to pick oneself and find his groove again. 

And one does not do so with a negative mindset. This is the year to think positive and stay positive.

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