Monday, January 5, 2015

The thing worth pursuing

There's a story of a woman who told her husband that had she known he was poor, she would not have married him. The husband smiled wryly and said, "What did you think I meant when I said you are the only I have?"

The woman had obliviously married for the wrong reasons. Reminds me of a popular Facebook picture of a man with a placard that says women should understand that men are not ATMs. A smart woman knows money can grow wings anytime and fly away. The man who is rich today can fall under hard times and become very, very poor tomorrow. And a man who has no claim to fame today could become a very important and wealthy person tomorrow. 

It's said that marriage is among the top New Year resolutions. People want to settle down with that lifetime partner and live happily thereafter. Be wise and choose a partner for their character, not for the perishable things they possess. 

In fact, the pursuit of wisdom should top our priority list this year. Wisdom is simply the art of good decision making. It's the ability to discern what's right and what's wrong, and the courage to do what is right however unpopular it might be. It's this kind of wisdom that attracts and sustains the blessings we need to lead happy and fulfilled lives.

One young ruler was once given a blank cheque; ask for anything you want and it shall be granted, he was told. The young man thought about it, and asked for wisdom. The giver was so impressed that He gave that young ruler as much wisdom as he had never given to another human being. He also gave him so much wealth and fame now that the young ruler had the wisdom to maintain it.

This year I'll walk with the wise; I'll pursuit wisdom with all my heart because it''s the best that can happen to anybody. 

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