Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My personality of the year

If it was not for the goodness of some people, I would not be here today. That is why every kind Ugandan is my personality of the year. Your goodness gives others the courage to keep going and the inspiration to do better as well.

So if you helped somebody in need, visited and encouraged a prisoner, bought a jobless brother a meal, took a glass of juice to a patient in hospital, name it, you are my hero. Every act of love, however insignificant it may seem, if done from the depth of the heart, will always be cherished by the receiver.
 Often we think giving is a job done by the moneyed, but there are no greater riches than the riches of the heart. You may be struggling to make ends meet but if you have love, you have a treasure. Keep on sharing and those moves of love will give you a satisfaction that cannot be matched.

To be sure, the returns are immeasurable. You may not get money but the inner joy and peace will be better than anything money can buy. It is a thankless heart, and things like envy, covetousness, laziness, unforgiveness and bitterness that choke the air we breathe, making life impossible. If in the place of these, love is inserted, life gets better and better.

Love is understanding. Love is peaceful. Love is enduring. Love is not envious and has no resentment in its makeup. It forgives, does not keep a list of wrongs, never puts others down or rejoices at their misfortunes, but always looks for the best in people. That is love.

A very wise and inspired man named Paul said three things in life matter: faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these, he said, is love. Love is what will keep us better and prospering in 2015 and the subsequent years.

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