Friday, September 15, 2017

Don’t isolate yourself

If I was asked to give one advice to anyone with a dream, I would say, never isolate yourself. We begin to die the moment we isolate ourselves like an island. 

 In the animal kingdom, no predator can attack a group of animals recklessly. Successful hunts are a result of the hunter isolating the hunted. I once watched National Geographic documentary in which lions worked together to kill an elephant that had been isolated. 

 That much is true in life. We are weak and vulnerable when we are alone, but very strong and progressive when we work as a team. In this day of capitalism most people want to walk alone and the time of coming together to socialise is no more. More and more educated ladies no longer see the use of marriage when they can have a child that they can raise independently. But there's everything wrong with that arrangement for a child deserves love and mentorship from both parents. 

Numbers and togetherness are also the secret behind successful businesses. Daily Monitor which is celebrating 25 years of existence started when a group of big dreamers came together to build something that would leave an indelible mark on our society. More team players jumped on board and today we have a thriving media empire that makes power wielders in the region tread carefully well knowing somebody is watching every step they take! 

 So, if you to have a dream to step on the moon, don't be out there chasing it all by yourself for as I said, isolation is the first and last step before the wolves get you. It takes a team of like minds; people that connect and believe in their abilities; bold and shrewd persons with burning zeal and solid intergrity blending their varied strengths and sticking together, that great things happen. 

In sickness and in health, rich and poor, we are better off fighting together than alone, for that's the only way to evolve. Alone we dissolve and die with unfulfilled potential.

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