Friday, September 15, 2017

My kind of hero

Time is very interesting. Especially in the way it loves to show us that the people we often idolise as our heroes are often as far from heroism as the heavens are high above the earth. 

Time just waits patiently until it opens widely the secret closets of our perceived heroes. Then we turn our noses away overwhelmed not only by terrible stench emanating from there, but also by the sheer shame of having allowed ourselves to be duped for so long. 

So every Heroes Day when I see our dear president dishing out all types of medals to all types of 'heroes' my mouth curves into a wry smile. Because he does not use his wide spy network to dig into the secret lives of those people to determine whether they are worthy of reward. 

Consider the case of a 'big-time' entrepreneur who never pays his workers, never pays his taxes and is wanted by the bank for failure to repay his loans. Yet because a failed state and fallen institutionalism, this man's businesses are still in operation and the state awards him a medal of entrepreneurship! 

But the real heroes are out there living humbly and quietly. They are the kind of people with such generous hearts that when you visit they will kill chicken for you even when they don't have much to live on.
They are the kind of people that are not afraid to speak up against unfairness. For example when you're in a queue at the bank and someone who disrespects order comes and tries to jump the line the true hero will fight that unfairness. 

They are the kind parents or guardians who deliberately, through words and actions set out to mentor their children to grow up with responsibility, teaching them to work for what they need and want rather than expecting free handouts. 

They are among the very few with nobility of character that when they say I will call at 10 pm they will, and when they borrow money they pay back. 

The true heroes are few. Very few in fact that they can only be found on the narrow road that leads to heaven.

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